Inspirational biography of Mahatma Gandhi

Inspirational biography of Mahatma Gandhi

Inspirational biography of Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi / He gave India independence from the British, walking in the path of truth and non-violence. His work became an example for the whole world. He always said don't look bad, don't listen bad, don't say bad. And he believed that truth never loses. This great man was declared the Father of the Nation in India. His full name is 'Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi'. World call him "Bapu" or "Mahatma".

Gandhiji was the most powerful leader of Indian political till now. He has the status of 'Father of the Nation' in India. This name was first addressed by Subhash Chandra Bose in a broadcast released from Rangoon Radio in the year 1944. Gandhiji was a priest of truth and non-violence. Gandhi liberated the country from the slavery of the British with white dhoti, glasses and sticks in his hand. Mahatma Gandhi is an example for the entire human race. A person who follows his principles can never deviate from his path.

He always agitated for truth and non-violence and advised to follow this path. At the age of 24, Gandhiji went to South Africa and stayed for 21 years. The British were very sad to see the atrocities on Indians. He was also racially discriminated against in South Africa. All these events proved to be a turning point in his life. After which he had decided India's independence from the British.

Brief Introduction of "Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi"

Born - 2 October 1869

Born place - Porbandar , Kathiawar Agency, British-ruled India

Died - 30 January 1948 (aged 78) New Delhi, India

Cause of death - Assassination (gunshot)

Monuments - Raj Ghat, Gandhi Smriti

Nationality - Indian

Other names - Mahatma Gandhi, Bapu ji, Gandhi ji 

Occupation - Lawyer, Politician, Activist, Writer

Known for - Indian Independence Movement, Nonviolent resistance

Notable work - The Story of My Experiments with Truth

Political party - Indian National Congress

Movement - Indian independence movement

Spouse(s) - Kasturba Gandhi (m. 1883; died 1944)

Children - Harilal, Manilal , Ramdas, Devdas

Parents - Karamchand Gandhi (father)
                  Putlibai Gandhi (mother)

Mahatma Gandhi's early life

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 in western India in a coastal town of present-day Gujarat in a place called Porbandar. His father, Karamchand Gandhi, belonged to the "Pansari" caste of Hindu religion and was the "Diwan" (Principal Minister) of a small princely state (Porbandar) of Kathiawad during the British Raj.

His mother belonged to the Vaishya community and had a religious tendency which also had an impact on Gandhiji. The house where Gandhi was born today is known as Kirti Mandir. This house has been rebuilt with a three-floor building, which has 22 rooms. Memories of Gandhiji have been saved in this house. Mohandas's childhood was spent in this house for five years. Everyday at five o'clock in the evening, Gandhiji's favorite hymn 'Vaishnav jana to jane kahi re re ...' is sung. Gandhiji last visited Porbandar in 1928.

Mahatma Gandhi's autobiography

It is mentioned in Mahatma Gandhi's autobiography that he was not very good at studies. Just read your school books properly and remember the lessons given by the teachers to memorize them, it could not be done properly, so they have no desire to read any book other than school. Neither did he make any effort to read any other book.

But once he read a book called 'Shravan Pitru Bhakti Nataka', which was from his father. He was so impressed with the character of the book from that book that like life, he not only tried to become a mother-father devotee, but also tried to make all the people who come in contact with him. Similarly, as a child, he also saw a visual drama of the "true king Harishchandra" and was so impressed with the character of "King Harish Chandra" of that play that he took a vow to speak truth like King Harishchandra throughout his life.

From the character of King Harishchandra, he had understood very well in his childhood that he always has problems in walking the path of truth but still should not leave the path of truth and this character of King Harishchandra's play laid the foundation for Gandhi to become a satirist.

Gandhiji has written in his autobiography that if someone threatened him to commit suicide, he would have no faith in his threat because once Gandhiji himself was determined to commit suicide. He also tried, but he found that there is a lot of difference between talking about suicide and trying to commit suicide.

According to the incident that Gandhiji mentions in this context, once Gandhiji became fond of drinking beedi with a relative. Because they did not have the money to buy beedi, so they used to give up their lies after drinking beedi. Gandhi used to steal the same and secretly drank with his relative. But Beedi's thumbs could not be found all the time, so he started stealing some money from his house servant's pocket.

Now a new problem started coming that where should you hide the beedi that you brought with money? The beedi brought from the stolen money also lasted only a few days. Then they came to know that there is a plant whose stalk can be drunk like beedi. He was very happy that now we will neither have to lift the stub of beedi nor steal anyone's money. But when he drank the stalk like a beedi, he felt no satisfaction.

After this, he began to realize his dependence. They felt that they had to do anything, they could not do anything without respecting their elders. Therefore, both of them thought that there is no benefit in living such a subordinated life, so suicide should be done by consuming poison. But then a problem arose that from where should the poison be brought to kill by consuming poison? Since they had heard somewhere that eating a large quantity of dhatura seeds would have died, then one day both of them went to the forest and brought it between the dhatura and fixed the evening time to commit suicide. He died before going to the temple of Kedarnath ji and offered ghee at Deepmala, visited Kedarnath ji and discovered solitude but did not have the courage to eat poison. Different kinds of thoughts started coming to his mind:

¤ If the death did not happen immediately?
¤ What is the benefit of dying?
¤ Why should not bear dependence?

etc etc. But still ate two-four seeds. There was no hope of overeating as both were scared of death, so they decided to go to Ramji's temple and see the peace of mind and forget about suicide.

It is because of this incident in Gandhiji's life that Gandhiji himself experienced that he knew that it is not easy to commit suicide and therefore there was no effect on him threatening to commit suicide because he had to face the whole incident of committing his suicide. I used to remember The result of this whole incident related to suicide is that both the brothers forgot the habit of stealing the beedi and drinking or stealing the beedi money and buying the beedi.

In the context of this incident, Gandhiji's experience was that intoxication causes many other crimes. If Gandhiji did not wish to drink beedi, he would not have to steal the beedi nor would he have ever stolen money from a servant's pocket for beedi. To him, it was more stealing than drinking beedi, which was demoralizing him.

Similarly, there is another incident of stealing in Gandhiji's life, under which he got a loan at the age of 15, to repay it, by cutting 1 weighed gold from the gold ring worn in his brother's hand. I had paid my debt by selling goldsmith. Nobody knew about this, but it became unbearable for them. He felt that if he would tell this theft to his father, then only his mind would be peaceful.

But he did not hesitate to accept this in front of the father. So he wrote a letter mentioning the entire incident and regretting his work and requesting punishment for the crime committed. Giving that letter to his father, he sat in front of him. The father read the letter and his eyes became moist while reading. He did not say anything to Gandhiji. Torn off the letter and returned again.

On the same day, Gandhiji realized for the first time the power of non-violence because his father did not say anything to him for his mistake nor punished him, but only with his tears wet the letter which Gandhi had written, And one such incident had such an impact on Gandhiji that he took a pledge not to commit any such crime again. If on that day, Gandhiji's father had committed any violence like assault, scolding and assaulting Gandhiji for that incident, we might not be remembering that Gandhi today.

Mahatma Gandhi's marriage

In May 1883, he was married to 14-year-old Kasturba Makhanji as soon as he completed the age of 13 and a half. The wife's maiden name was shortened to Kasturba and she was affectionately called "Ba". The marriage was an arranged child marriage arranged by his parents which was prevalent in that area at that time. But it was the custom in that area that the teenage bride had to live longer than her parents' house and her husband. In 1885, when Gandhiji was 15 years old, his first child was born. But she survived only a few days. And this year his father Karamchand Gandhi also passed away. Mohandas and Kasturba had four children, all of whom were sons. Harilal Gandhi was born in 1888, Manilal Gandhi in 1892, Ramdas Gandhi in 1897 and Devdas Gandhi in 1900.

Mahatma Gandhi's Education and Work 

He did his middle school from Porbandar and high school from Rajkot. He was an average student in both examinations. After matriculation, he passed the Shamaldas College in Bhavnagar with some difficulty. As long as he remained there, he remained unhappy because his family wanted him to be a barrister. Later received a law degree from University in London. After this he came to India and started practicing his advocacy, but did not succeed. At the same time, he got work as a legal adviser in a company from South Africa, where Mahatma Gandhi lived for about 20 years.

While fighting for the fundamental rights of Indians, he was also imprisoned several times. There was a lot of racism in Africa at that time, there is a story about it when Gandhiji climbed into the special compartment of the Englishmen and forced them to disrespect Gandhiji. He faced many other difficulties in his journey. Many hotels in Africa were barred from him. Similarly, there was one of many incidents in which a court judge ordered him to take off his turban which he did not believe. All these events became a turning point in Gandhi's life and led to awareness of the prevailing social injustice and proved to be helpful in explaining social activism.

In view of the injustice being done to Indians in South Africa, Gandhi raised questions for the honor of his countrymen under the English Empire and for his own position in the country. There he organized the non-cooperation movement against the government. He was heavily influenced by the writings and essays of Henry David Thoreau, an American writer. After all, he chose the path of satyagraha from many ideas and experiences, on which Gandhiji lived his whole life, the campaign of 'home rule' intensified in India after the first world war, in 1919, by passing the Rowlatt Act, the British Parliament gave the officials of the Indian colony some When granted emergency rights, Gandhiji started the Satyagraha movement with millions of people.

At the same time, another Chandrashekhar Azad and Bhagat Singh revolutionaries were carrying out a violent movement for the independence of the country. But Gandhiji had his full faith in the path of non-violence. And he kept giving the message of non-violence all his life.

Death: On 30 January 1948, Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated in the Birla House in Delhi at 5:17 pm. Gandhiji was going to address a prayer meeting when his killer Nathuram Godse fired 3 bullets into his chest. It is believed that 'Hey Ram' was the last word from his mouth. Nathuram Godse and his accomplices were prosecuted and sentenced to death in 1949.

Movement by Mahatma Gandhi 

* The struggle of Indian independence struggle (1916-1945) - Bhartiya Swatantrata Sangram

The struggle of Indian independence struggle lasted from 1916 to 1945. This struggle was a non-violent and militaristic movement run by Indian political organizations, whose common objective was to root out the British rule from the Indian subcontinent. By the time Gandhiji returned from Africa, he had become popular as a nationalist leader. He united farmers, laborers, urban workers in this movement.

* Champaran and Kheda Satyagraha (1918-1919) - Champaran Satyagraha

A Satyagraha took place in Champaran district of Bihar in 1918 under the leadership of Gandhiji. This was the first Satyagraha done in India under the leadership of Gandhiji. It is known as Champaran Satyagraha. This movement was against the atrocities on the farmers. The Kheda Satyagraha was also a movement against the British government's tax collection of farmers in Kheda district of Gujarat.

* Khilafat movement (1919-1924)

The Khilafat Movement (1919–1922) was a politico-religious movement in India, mainly run by Muslims. Gandhiji participated in this movement and cooperated in uniting the Muslim-Hindu.

* Non-cooperation movement - Asahyog Andolan

Gandhiji believed that the British rule in India was possible only with the cooperation of Indians and if we all together cooperate on everything against the British, freedom is possible. This was the first mass movement to be run under the leadership of Gandhiji. The intention of this movement was to boycott English goods.

* Swaraj and Salt Satyagraha

Gandhiji, in protest against the salt tax imposed on Indians by the British Government, in 1930 also called the Salt Satyagraha, Dandi March. This historic Satyagraha program was violated by 78 people, including Gandhiji, on March 12, 1930 by taking a walk on foot from Ahmedabad Sabarmati Ashram to the coastal village of Dandi.

Mahatma Gandhi's life work - Mahatma Gandhi history

* In 1893, he had to go to South Africa to prosecute Dada Abdula Trade Company. While in South Africa, he also faced injustice and atrocities. He organized the National Indian Congress in 1894 by organizing the Indian people to counteract them.

In 1906, according to the order of the rule of Governance, the identity card was necessary to kept together. Apart from this, he started the Satyagraha movement against British rule in protest against color discrimination policy.

Mahatma Gandhi returned to India in 1915 and he first established the Sabarmati Satyagraha Ashram and in 1919 he started in the 'Civil Disobedience' movement.

After the death of Lokmanya Tilak in 1920, the leadership of the National Assembly came to Mahatma Gandhi.

In 1920 in Nagpur session, the National Assembly passed a resolution approving the nationwide movement of non-cooperation. All the sources of the Non-Cooperation Movement were given to Mahatma Gandhi.

In 1924, the post of president of the session of the National Assembly at Begaon.

Civil Disobedience Movement started in 1930. Government monopoly to make tax and salt over salt should be revoked. Such a demand from the Viceroy, the Viceroy did not accept that demand, then Gandhiji decided to break the salt law and do Satyagraha.

In 1932 he founded the All India Harijan Association.

In 1933, he started a newspaper named 'Harijan'.

In 1934, Gandhiji established this 'Sevagram' ashram near Wardha. He tried by doing Harijan Seva, Village Industries, Gram Sudhar.

The Jav movement started in 1942. Gandhiji gave this new mantra 'die or die'.

In the Second World War, Mahatma Gandhiji had urged his countrymen not to fight for Britain, for which he was arrested. After the war, he again took over the reins of the independence movement. Finally in 1947 our country attained independence. Gandhiji always gave a message of tolerance towards various religions, in 1948 Nathuram Godse ended his life with his pill. The whole world was mourned by this accident. In the year 1999, B.B.C. In the survey conducted by Gandhi, Gandhi was declared the best man of the past Millennium.

Gandhiji made a lot of efforts to remove the feeling of untouchability spread in the society. He named the backward castes as 'Hari-Jan' in the name of God and strive for his upliftment throughout his life.

Books written by Mahatma Gandhi -

* My Experiment With Truth

The Story of My Experiments with Truth is the autobiography of Mohandas K. Gandhi, covering his life from early childhood through to 1921. It was written in weekly installments and published in his journal Navjivan from 1925 to 1929.

* Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the director of India's independence movement. With his inspiration, India got independence in 1947. Mahatma Gandhi, the great and immortal hero of world history, who exhibited the eternal values ​​of human life with his amazing spiritual power, continued to show the path of lifelong truth, non-violence and love.

Gandhi ji criticized

Gandhi's theories and attempts to do it are also criticized. The main points of his criticism are-

* Supporting the British in both World Wars.

* Making the communal movement such as the Khilafat movement a national movement.

* Condemning the acts of armed revolutionaries against the British.

* Gandhi-Irwin Pact - which greatly shocked the Indian revolutionary movement.

* Unhappy over the election of Subhash Chandra Bose as the President of the Indian National Congress.

* After the Chauri Chaura incident, stop the non-cooperation movement suddenly.

* Making Pandit Nehru a contender for Prime Minister after India's independence.

* To fast on insistence of giving Rs 55 crore to Pakistan after independence.

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